XML Schema

XML Schema

XML Schema

XML Schema

The XML Schema for DD8723-5 is available at the following location:

Note that this schema has some dependencies saved in the same folder.

XML Schema editors

It is recommended to use an XSD editor to open the XML Schema. Please consider using a tool such as the following.


A documentation of the XML Schema generated with xsddoc is available at this location:


When designing the XML Schema, the following guidelines have been followed.

  • A complex type has been defined for each class of the model.
  • To follow GovTalk guidelines the name of a complex type always terminates with “Structure”.
  • To follow GovTalk guidelines the name of a simple type always terminates with “Type”.
  • An element in the complex type has been defined for each attribute of a class.
  • When relevant, the Dublin Core naming convention was followed for the elements.
  • The XML Schema was defined under the namespace http://www.bsigroup.com/resources/standards/bs8723/.